Monday, 16 March 2015

Rollover buttons

Rollover Buttons:
Rollover buttons are buttons used on a site that change, such as a dropdown menu when a cursor highlights a specific area it changes state there are 3 stages of rollover buttons: Down Over and up. Down is when nothing is happening to it, it is in its original state, over is when the cursor is hovered over it activates the action and down is when the mouse is clicked onto the button and activates its hyperlink.

The use of rollover buttons allows a graphic to become more interactive as it allows the user to have some control of where they are going around the website, as it allows them to change page or website completely. Images and menus will stay in there normal
images however the secondary one will appear when a mouse goes over it however as soon as the mouse over leaves the area it will disappear. I have been asked to create Rollover buttons for a navigation bar and have used Serif Web-plus to make it, the software allows me to make a Rollover and change each state of of it so when clicked it changes to a darker colour but when highlighted goes brighter.

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